
Selasa, 29 November 2011

Reporter TV Dibayar Dalam Meliput Pernikahan Ibas

24 November 2011 | 09:16

ketika para petinggi negeri ini akan mengadakan pesta pernikahan anaknya maka para awak media elektronik maupun cetak saling berburu berita. bahkan dari sejak calon pengantin pacaran beritanya selalu diburu dan diexpose. terlebih lagi calon pengantin sudah menentukan hari pernikahannya, maka setiap jengkal langkah selalu diikuti terus hingga benar-benar sampai saatnya mereka melangsungkan pernikahan.
namun kebanyakan dari awak media terutama media elektronik dalam meliput persiapan pernikahan para anak petinggi negeri hampir tidak ada yang menyoroti permasalahan sumber dana ataupun sumbangan dari para tamu undangan. berbeda dengan media cetak yang masih sering mengexpose permaslahan dana maupun sumbangan dalam pernikahan tersebut. dan tentunya dari pihak yang bersangkutan sudah mengantisipasi akan adanya kabar tersebut dengan menyatakan bahwa sumber dana dalam pesta pernikahan itu berasal dari dana pribadi. ya sudah pasti tentu dari dana pribadi mana mungkin akan memakai dana negara dan fasilitas negara.
tetapi kalau masalah fasilitas tentunya masyarakat umum kebanyakan masih bisa terkelabuhi, kenapa dari masalah tempat saja rencana pernikahan mas ibas ini akan menggunakan istana cipanas sebagai tempat dilangsungkannya resepsi. artinya dari tempat saja pak sby tidak menyewa gedung atau tempat lain yang lebih terlihat netral.
dan untuk masalah liput meliput pesta pernikahan para anak pejabat negara ataupun tokoh negara ternyata ada perbedaan ketika pernikahan putri sultan hamengkubuwono ke x di yogyakarta, waktu itu sangat sedikit sekali awak media yang meliput secara langsung serta berurutan. kebanyakan hanya meliput point - pointnya saja. padahal pernikahan keraton yogyakarta itu juga sebagai pelestarian adat budaya yang tinggi.
namun ketika pak sby akan menikahkan putranya yaitu mas ibas, para awak media tidak bosan - bosannya memberitakan dari sejak persiapan beberapa hari sebelumnya. bahkan program berita yang biasanya menyajikan berita - berita seputar ekonomi dan politik, tetapi ternyata justru lebih banyak diisi dengan berita seputar pernikahan mas ibas. padahal program selanjutnya infotainment juga mengulasnya. mulai dari tengah malam hingga pagi dan siang tidka henti - hentinya dihampir semua media elektonik menyiarkannya.
dan para awak media pemburu berita ini begitu gigihnya mencari kabar terupdate seputar pernikahan mas ibas ini ternyata dibayar oleh perusahaan tempat mereka bekerja, sehingga meskipun bekerja sampai larut malam hingga fajar pasti mengharapkan bayarannya bertambah.

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Review Film Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban is  Harry Potter's adventure in third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. Harry Potter escape from the Dursley’s house, then riding a knight bus (witch’s special bus) to the Leaky Cauldron, where he met with minister Cornelius Fudge magic. Actually underage wizards like Harry forbidden to use magic outside of school. But the ministry will not punish him this time, because Harry's safety must be maintained so as not found by Sirius Black,who have been mislead both Harry's parents are now able to escape from prison. Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts and finds security has been tightened. Hogwarts is now guarded by the Dementors. Remus Lupin as the new teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts agrees to teach Harry a shield to against the dementors.
Ron believed Scabbers(Ron's rat) had been eaten by Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, which caused a dispute between him and Hermione. Hermione find Scabbers in Hagrid's hut when the three of them visited him before the execution of Buckbeak. On their way back from the cottage, Ron suddenly attacked by a big black dog and dragged into the tunnel under the magic tree, the Whomping Willow. Harry and Hermione followed them and found himself in the Shrieking Shack. They also know that the black dog was Sirius Black is an Animagus. When Harry persuades them to take Pettigrew returned to the castle of Hogwarts to clear Sirius's name. However, when they and their return to the castle, full moon appear and transform into a werewolf Lupin. Harry woke up in the castle and find out that Black had been arrested. To save him, Harry and Hermione use a Time-Turner for the trip back to the past and prevent his arrest. Harry and Hermione save Buckbeak and return to the forbidden forest, until they saw the Dementors attack Harry and Sirius.
And in the end of the story Harry save Sirius and Buckbeak escape. Lupin, who is known as a werewolf, resigned. Harry was worried that Pettigrew could re-help Voldemort, but Dumbledore says Harry should probably be grateful that he has helped save lives Pettigrew.
                                                Reviewed by :Baiq Irma Hidayati (XII Science III)

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Review the day after tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow
The Day After Tomorrow is a science fiction film shown the effects of global warming. One of the characters in this film named Jack. Jack is a Paleoclimatologist who are conducting research on the Antarctic continent with his friend Frank and Jason. They're drilling to take core samples of ice in one place in the Antarctica continent. When drilling is done, suddenly there is a large cracks like splitting the continent. At that time, one of them  fell into the cracks of the ice, but Jack can save him.
          Jack presented   the incident at the PBB Conference in India which was attended by diplomats from various countries, including vice president of the United States. But they do not believe in the theory presented by Jack.
            At  that  time Jack's son, Sam was in  New York City for an academic competition with his friends Brian and Laura. The main reason why Jack followed  this competition because he loved Laura secretly. When they evacuated at the New York Public Library, a tidal wave as high as the Statue of Liberty crashing half of Manhattan. At that time there is a very tense scene, when Laura, trying to help a mother. But she is actually trapped in the cab. Meanwhile, the waves were very close. Sam was at the front of the  door library again to save Laura. They made it into the library when the waves came. Sam calls his father that he was fine and his father warned him not to go out of the building. Jack also asked Sam told people to remain in the library. Jack, who had promised to his son, that he would come to pick him up, went to rescue Sam, accompanied by Frank and Jason.  Meanwhile, Sam and his small group trying to stay warm by burning all the books and took food from automatic vending machines. Laura suffered blood poisoning, so Sam and Brian seek penicillin in a ship carried by high tide. When  they succed to get food and drugs, hurricane’s eye superstorm missed New York and the whole city was frozen fastly. They arrived quickly at the library and tried to warm themselves by burning books. They all have been desperately waiting for help. Until in the end Jack and Jason got to the library and found it buried by snow but they found Sam’s group alive and safe. Help came and they all survived. At the end of the story shown in the state of earth as seen from outer space who was already getting better.
                                                              Reviewed by: Abdul Kholid & Baiq Irma Hidayati